Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Meditation:Benefits and Techniques

What is Meditation?

Meditation is that which gives you deep rest.

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique of breathing,chanting  to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.Meditation may be used with the aim of reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and increasing peace, perception,self-concept, and well-being.Calmness and peace attained through meditation takes you deep inside of yourself.

The practice of meditation improves the well being of an individual.Well Being is the wellness in all aspects ; physically and mentally with a healthy state of mind.It also introduces the self concept;knowing of self structure,self identity.

Why to Meditate?

With the time,people have advanced in all aspects of technology but all these have given birth to a numerous of health related problems and due to ignorance and over work stress and tiredness makes us unhappy and depressed.

So,here meditation play a very important role in ensuring peace of mind and body.It transforms people’s life and changes their personality from negative to positive.

  •  To purify our soul.
  • To allow the increase in prana.
  • To understand the purpose of life.
  • To ensure healthy state of mind.
  • To remove stress.
  • To increase intellectual level.
  • To cultivate positive constructive thoughts.
  • To ensure commitment , positivity and smile in

Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Simple meditation techniques for beginners to start:

Step 1: Sit in Sukhasana;cross-legged.
Step 2: Come to Gyan Mudra;press index finger to the tip of thumb.
Step 3:Back should be straight.
Step 4: Make yourself comfortable from any outside disturbance.
Step 5: Take long deep ujjayi breaths.

How to take ujjayi breaths?

1.Close your mouth and inhale from your nostrils by shrinking  your throat.
2.Hold the breath. 

3.Release the oxygen from your nostrils by constricting the muscles of the throat.

Continue with this breathing pattern for around 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the duration with regular practises.

Benefits of Meditation

Mediation Techniques has a number of benefits for the meditation practitioners.

  • Increases oxygen levels in the body.
  • Expands our lungs.
  • Improves Blood pressure.
  • Relaxes mind and body.
  • Generates positive vibes inside and around.
  • Increases feeling of belongingness for the self and society.